Title: Inés of Alma Mía
Author: Isabel Allende
Tags: Isabel Allende, Inés of My Soul
Born in Spain, and from a poor family, Inés Suárez survives daily work as a seamstress. It is the sixteenth century and the conquest of America is just beginning. When one day the husband of Agnes disappears due to the New World it takes to go looking for it and escape the claustrophobic life she carries in her homeland. After the eventful journey that takes her to Peru, Agnes learns that her husband has died in battle. However, soon begins a passionate affair with the man who completely changed his life: Pedro de Validivia, the courageous hero of war and marshal of Francisco Pizarro. Valdivia
dreams succeed where others have failed English, carrying out the conquest of Chile. Although it is said that in those lands is not gold that warriors are fierce, it inspires further Valdivia because you are looking for the honor and glory. Together, the two lovers founded the city of Santiago and fought a bloody war against the indigenous Chileans in a struggle that will change their lives forever.
Based on meticulous research, and told with passion and extraordinary talent narrative Isabel Allende, Inés of My Soul is a work of stunning magnitude.
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