I guess I know that on Saturday sent a mail to those charged with Corporate Image & Communication, University Zaragoza, complaining a little bit of lack of some news which I believe may be of interest to the student community and tell about the slow pace of other news. A difference of that letter to the rector by the Chair of Homeopathy, this has been answered, and also very soon. And as promised, here it is.
Dear Bruno,
The University of Zaragoza generates multiple messages and information of interest to the university community. In order to improve internal communication of these messages has launched "iUnizar" which becomes a daily newsletter sent to the university community, which sets out the institutional information and communication center activities, departments, central services, teaching and research staff, administrative staff and students.
Thus, this includes domestic media, every day in a single shipment, information aimed at the academic community that occurs within the university community. Therefore, the internal character own of this publication makes it impossible to include other information not originating from the University of Zaragoza. And which neither space nor by objective, is the role of Iunizar.
centers, departments, faculty, administration and services staff and students to disseminate any information that may be of interest to the rest of the university community can do so via the address Www.unizar.es/actualidad/insertar/ . The Corporate Image & Communication processes the information received and eventually spreads to the university community, through "iUnizar." The internal newsletter disseminates information as they are introduced in this message, respecting the date chosen by the issuer.
I hope I have solved your doubts.
Mariola Conde
Head of Corporate Image and Communication
I see, in the first paragraph tells us what it is and What does the newsletter: Internal Communication. In the second makes it clear that as internal not going to put anything that comes from outside the university, the excuse of space I think, at least, very bad. However, they also put in paragraph 3 er if anyone wants to send something you can do.
Things you do not answer:
- I came, yes or no, the information regarding the exposure of Servetus at the Great House. According to the second paragraph, although they had come would not have put anything. And moreover, I suspect that if I use the three point and send you the information, based on the point two would not publish anything.
addition, under section 3, respecting the date chosen by the issuer of the information. Does this mean I can say that information comes the day after the event?
And I can add, now have information about the Exhibition dedicated to Servetus also be seen if they publish something.
keep you informed, and send them the link to this post.
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